Wednesday, October 31, 2012


For the first time in three years, Owen was able to go trick or treating!  We headed out to the mall to do some looting!

Even Mommy dressed up!

We met up with Laney of course, what's Halloween without your best friend?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Time for the annual Jack-o-Lantern.  This year, Sammy decided to carve her own, and did a great job!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Windows and Kitties

My children will climb absolutely anything.  They were born to be at least a foot off the floor as often as possible!

And we have Hachi getting bigger by the day.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Owen started out his day proving that tubs are fun.

Tubs are even more fun when you can snog the mirror while playing in them.

No self esteem issues here!

Later in the day I took Sammy and Laney to the local aquatic center for some fun in the water.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Preview

It was Halloween Party/Fall Festival night at the school.  We got the kids and the pup dressed up and headed over to check it out:

A dashing pirate and "Abbey Bominable" from Monster High

Owen liked Abbey's hair

Owen met up with his preschool friend Meagan

Sammy and Laney playing a toss game

A happy boy ready for bed after Halloween fun...

Well, maybe not quite ready for bed.  Time to play in the closet in overly large PJ's instead.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Weather Fun

One of the local TV station hosts a weather day at the station each year.  We decided to check it out.

Wind power

Owen is not impressed with the big snowblower

Sammy making a big bubble

We also toured the inside of the news station and we even got to play on the green screen, but sadly we can't find the pictures.  If they ever surface I'll put them up.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Owen loves the characters from the Cars movie.  His favorite pajamas have them on it...he'll take them out of his drawer and play with them.  This night we were waiting for Sammy at gymnastics and he found a cars book in the play area to look at while Sammy did her thing.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tubs and Cookies

Owen has developed a thing for playing in tubs.

And Sammy still likes to decorate cookies.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pumpkin Festival

The taking advantage of all possible fall festivals continues with a trip to the Sinkland Farms Pumpkin Festival.  This was an extra special day because we were joined by Beth and Mya and Nacol and Noah.  Hold on to your hats, this was a fun filled day so there are lots of pictures!

Grandma and Owen enjoying the hayride down to the pumpkin patch
Quite possibly my favorite Owen picture from 2012
Nacol and Noah picking out a pumpkin
Sammy being Sammy

Possibly my favorite Owen and Jigsaw picture of 2012

Jigsaw enjoyed the hayrides too!
Grandpa Q and Jigsaw

These two are seriously adorable

My favorite Sammy picture from 2012
Grooving to the music!

Owen dancing with his Mommy!
Checking out the band
Uh huh, that's sweet enough to break a Mommy's heart

Sammy and Noah petting the ginormous horse
If it can be climbed, my children will climb it!
Jigsaw was absolutely fascinated by these turkeys
Mya enjoying a pony ride
Look at that big boy!
He was so excited though that he kept forgetting to hold on
While Owen and Mya rode ponies, Noah and Sammy did some punkin chunkin with Nacol

Sammy got to ride her first full sized horse.  She did very well!

You can call it "Sand Candy" all you want, it's pure sugar with a bit of food coloring!

Last stop was the corn maze.
What a seriously fun day!  We've got to get this crew together again!