Monday, April 8, 2013

Owen Starts Gymnastics!

In the past Owen would watch his sister out on the gym floor and sign "want, want" and would reach out toward the kids playing out there.  I knew that they had a special needs class, but he wasn't strong enough to be able to take part.  This year, however, he has gained in strength and his health has improved vastly.  So one night, when he was signing "want", I asked the teacher of the special needs class if Owen would be able to join the class.  Geoffrey is really amazing with the youngest kids and he has known Owen since he was a baby through Sammy being at the gym.  He welcomed Owen with open arms and said he would love to have Owen in his class.  So the next week when Owen signed "want", I said "OK" and brought him out onto the floor.  Owen was thrilled!  He was beside himself with happiness when he got to go through the little door that leads out on to the floor.  

There are about 9 kids in the class on any given night.  Owen loves the trampoline, hanging on the rings and just being out there with the other kids.  They let me go out to help with him, because he is the most "special" of the special kids, but the teachers are kind and understanding and are happy to take him through the courses.

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